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Asoka Tree
Polyalthia longifolia

English Common Name: Asoka Tree, Ashoka Tree, False Ashoka, Weeping Mast Tree

Chinese Name / 中文名: 长叶暗罗 (Cháng yè àn luō)

Other Local Name: Mempisang (Malaysia)

Family Name: Annonaceae (Custard Apple Family)

Scientific Name: Polyalthia longifolia

Synonym: Uvaria longifolia

Classification: ‎Angiosperms (Flowering Plants)‎ > ‎Magnoliophyta (Flowering Plants Division)‎ > Magnoliales‎ > ‎Annonaceae (Custard Apple Family)‎ > Polyalthia

Origin: South India and Sri Lanka

Growth Habit: Tree

Characteristic: A uniquely shaped tree with glossy, long, narrow and wavy edge leaves. The tree grows to about 10 meters height.

Care Requirements: Prefers full sun and moderate watering

Images Location: Penang, Malaysia

Polyalthia longifolia, Asoka Tree, Ashoka Tree, False Ashoka, Weeping Mast Tree Polyalthia longifolia, Asoka Tree, Ashoka Tree, False Ashoka, Weeping Mast Tree leaves